my first review of something other than my homework. let us continue
Earthbound (not the movie) is an underated RPG game that came out in 1995. this game wasn't known to well because of problems nintendo had to face just to get it out into america because of some copyright issues. the game's motto is "this game stinks" which in my opinion is flat out lie. Earthbound has been know to be a good RPG that's unlike any other. The actual plot of the game is for a young here named Ness and friends he meets (no spoilers for who they are) go out to locate eight of the "your sanctuary" locations to get a melody at each one and record it in your sound stone that you get from a character named buzz buzz that tell's you what you destiny is. now over all Earthbound is a good game but during some parts of the game things get a little boring. like going through a desert town called scraba all the way to through the desert and going through a swamp. as for the gameplay it's your basic RPG layout and battle style is turn based. one of the most handy things is the scrolling HP meter, because if you suffer mortal damage you can heal yourself before the HP meter reaches 0.
For Plot 8/10
Gameplay 7.5/10
Would I recommend it: only if you like whitty dioulage and a long game
That is the intro video hope you liked this review